Short Story

The problems for 11-year-old Marina made their appearance a few years ago, when the child was diagnosed with a kidney infection, while the tests she was subjected to a year ago revealed high levels of protein and leukocytes, which indicate a chronic kidney disease. At this point, the little girl is regularly visiting the Children’s hospital of Athens, where she is monitored by specialized nephrologists. Since her immediate family has a history of hearing loss and kidney disease, and since Marina is also presenting with hearing issues, the doctors recommend that she is immediately subjected to a genetic testing, which will lead to an accurate diagnosis, and which will allow them to proceed with the proper treatment plan.

Little Marina has to be immediately subjected to a genetic testing and she needs our help!

by Act of Kindness

  • 3.700

    Funding Goal
  • 2.723,12

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Act of Kindness

136 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

The problems for 11-year-old Marina made their appearance a few years ago, when the child was diagnosed with a kidney infection. After the little girl followed the prescribed diet and medication regimen, her tests were clear. About one year ago, however, her tests revealed high levels of protein and leukocytes, something that indicates a chronic kidney disease. 

At this point, the little girl is regularly visiting the Children’s hospital of Athens, where she is monitored by specialized nephrologists. Since her immediate family has a history of hearing loss and kidney disease, and since Marina is also presenting with hearing issues, the doctors recommend that she is immediately subjected to a genetic testing, which will lead to an accurate diagnosis, and which will allow them to proceed with the proper treatment plan. 

Little Marina’s father, who has been raising her on his own over the past few years, has come to a dead end, since he is unable to cope with the cost of the genetic test and the medication his child requires. Not knowing where else to turn, the father reached out to ACT OF KINDNESS. As soon as the Organization’s interdisciplinary staff read Marina’s case file, we immediately launched this aid campaign, which will allow the little fighter to undergo the required test, without wasting any precious time!

Little Marina has been struggling for many years now and the only thing she is asking for, is to be finally free of this health issue that has turned her life upside down. We’ll stand by her side! We will do everything in our power, in order to improve her quality of life! We all join forces for Marina!

To send you the invoice, click here 

You can help by the following ways:

  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “MARINA 014”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF03917199014014014014014 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “MARINA 014”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.











  • 07-08-2024

    New needs have arisen for our beloved Marina! We proceed with our joint effort!

    <p>Little Marina had to be urgently admitted to the hospital, since she was presenting with arrhythmia and tachycardia, which were attributed to gastroenteritis which led to viral myocarditis! A few days ago, our little friend was discharged from the hospital and returned home, while she will soon visit a diagnostic center, in order to be subjected to a chest MRI.<br />
    This latest health ordeal has brought major changes to hers and her family’s life. The little girl will have to be closely monitored by a cardiologist, while according to the doctors who treated her, she will need to be subjected to follow-up MRI tests every six months. At the same time, she will have to receive the prescribed medication, to follow a specific diet regimen and to avoid strenuous activities.<br />
    As we can all understand, new needs have arisen for this family, who has once more reached a dead end. After taking into consideration the additional needs that have surfaced, ACT OF KINDNESS is readjusting the aid campaign’s funding goal, since aside form the genetic test to which our little friend needs to be urgently subjected, the family will need our support in order to cope with the cost of their 11-year-old daughter’s health-related expenses.<br />
    We keep on fighting for Marina! We will do everything in our power, in order to help out a child who is struggling due to such severe health issues!</p>

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